Find a seat. Make your body comfortable with your feet flat on the ground or your legs crossed and seated on the floor. Back straight, shoulders relaxed. Close your eyes. Relax your jaw. Breathe slowly in and out.
First focus on self
- May I be happy and peaceful
- May my body be healthy and strong
- May I be safe and protected
- May I live with ease and joy
Then focus on the people you love
- May they be happy and peaceful
- May their body be healthy and strong
- May they be safe and protected
- May they live with ease and joy
Then focus on acquaintances
- May they be happy and peaceful
- May their body be healthy and strong
- May they be safe and protected
- May they live with ease and joy
Then focus on someone you dislike or who has hurt you
- May they be happy and peaceful
- May their body be healthy and strong
- May they be safe and protected
- May they live with ease and joy
Then focus on all beings
- May all beings be happy and peaceful
- May all beings have bodies that are healthy and strong
- May all beings be safe and protected
- May all beings live with ease and joy
Open your Eyes.